Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wedding, Wine, and a new car

My dear Readers,
It has been a long time since last we… we…we… I guess interacted is a good word for what we do here? I mean not much interaction coming from your part (ahem comments tell me you read these postings). Anyway….
So here I sit talking to the monitor again – yes I must speak the words in order for my fingers to hear what I what to type. This is kind of funny actually; me writing this, talking my fingers. When the fingers don’t type what I say we fight. Well my mouth attempts to bite the fingers – but they are quick bastards. Ok that sounds a bit too schizophrenical doesn’t it? Well I guess not any more than asking questions I know will not get answered.
This past weekend we welcomed Mr. T into our family. No not that Mr. T, silly. Baby Sister married Mr. T on Saturday. Mr. T is a great guy and Baby Sister is lucky he is willing to put up with her. Mr. T’s mommy said that she was glad Mr. T had found someone intelligent enough to talk too. This is true. These two are some of the most intelligent I have met in a while. Of course I’m a refrigeration mechanic posing as a Customer Interfacing Unit Operator what do I know about intelligence?
My weekend began on Friday – I guess most usually do right? We packed up the car, locked the kids into place and started down the road towards the wedding festivities. The Ole Lady had worked Thursday night so our plan was to get up to Tiny Town asap so she could sleep. It is supposed to be less than 2 hours drive. Well we I drove us about 100 miles out of the way, the car was overheating and the kids were restless. So we stopped to put more water in the car – I think I will write a whole blog on just the adventure of getting there. Long story short – our car blew the motor about 45 minutes away from our destination. Little Sister (Baby Sister’s elder but still my junior female sibling) drove the Parental Units’ (the Parental Unit is made up of Maternal Unit and Fraternal Unit of course) vehicle (since it was the largest of everyone’s vehicle whom were already at Tiny Town waiting on us.
We missed the rehearsal (Baby Sister not pleased at this). Princess was to be the flower girl and I was to be the Usher – no not just for rehearsal but in the real deal as well. We did make the rehearsal dinner (which was great stuff and food being my main focus in life – after the wife and kids; well usually food is second to them anyway). After the dinner we were invited for drinks at the local bar (only one in town) which is where my downward spiral really began. I had four (4) drinks at the bar – my normal limit is four (4) a month not a night. The Ole Lady had stayed at the hotel to get some much needed and well earned sleep – she had been up for almost 24 hours by this time.
It was a beautiful wedding and great reception. They had a ceremony called a wine box promise ceremony or something along that line. What this is is they both write love letters to each other before the wedding telling why they love the other. They then lock these letters in a strong wooden box with two glasses and a bottle of wine. In the event that Mr. T wizens up – errr I mean they have marital problems – they both promise to get drunk and read the letters before making a rash decision. Neat ceremony. If, after 25 years, they have not opened the bottle they would then be able to choose to open the box (if they can still find the key) and drink the wine and read their letters to each other. I like the sentiment but how does getting drunk really promote intelligent conversation and isn’t getting drunk while fighting kind of like throwing gasoline on fire?
At the reception – more great food stuffs – beer, white and red wine, and these caramel appletinis were offered at no additional charge to us party goes. I don’t drink beer, the appletinis were good but way too sweet. The white wine was ok but the red was simply amazing. I drank about four (4) bottles. Yes I said bottles. The normal sized run of the mill wine bottle sized bottles. I will be finding this wine but I plan on consuming it more moderately when I do. It kind of tasted like strawberry soda – my new love. They – whoever they are – say that a glass of wine a day is good for you so a bottle a night has to be great for you right?
So I’m still recovering from way too much wine on Saturday. I am in last-week-on-the-job mind set. Nov 2 I am back being a refrigeration mechanic. Well I have to go through all the plant orientation and maintenance training – 3 weeks of classroom time paid at the rate earned from 15 years of experience (9 of those in the same plant I will be orientated too – I know funny stuff huh?). The FNG will be one of the most experienced members of the team! Let’s see how long it is that I have to stay on nights this time around. Last go around it took me four years to go from nights to days.
I’m going to bed. Until next time this is how Mike tells it.

1 comment:

  1. *Ahem* Maybe, just maybe, if you took your blog off the "adult content" list, you might get more readers. Just a thought. You could be scaring off potential readers. They might get to the "adult content" and figure that you have naked pics of you or ole lady, and not click the proceed button....
    Anyway, sorry about the car, but glad the wedding went well!
