Monday, October 11, 2010

All about Mike

Hello. This will be my first blog entry. There many many many things that I should be doing instead writing this but I just have been obsessed with blog recently and want to try writing my own. I can always go back to what I need to be doing after this is done right?
So maybe you want to know something about me – besides that I am a habitual procrastinator. Actually I am a professional procrastinator. That is my best skill – why do now what can be done some other time in the future? That is my life’s motto. I am hoping to use this blog to help me procrastinator less – but that will come later. Today I want to talk religion and politics – the two things that are forbidden in polite conversation. So if you are of the polite persuasion please stop read now.
I am a father (two boys and a girl – many stories will come from these three so you meet them later), a husband (The Ole Lady – she will inspire many more stories to blog about and some of them I just might have to share publically) and that lazy guy in front of the computer most of the time. I currently work as Customer Interfacing Unit Operator at one of the local grocery stores. Ok I am a checker – best known as a cashier. I am not sure what minimum wage is anymore but I know that I not been paid this close to it since I was in High School. I am a security and refrigeration specialist. You might ask how these two fit together – but they don’t so don’t ask. I am current in school working on my AACJS – Associates of Art in Criminal Justice Systems. I finish that in November 2010. I have worked in refrigeration/HVAC from 1997 to 2009. In 2007 my best friend and I started a security company. Long of the short is we are still best friends but not business partners.
I am spiritual but not religious. I believe that there is a divine presence and that we all have a destiny that will be fulfilled. However our destiny is not scratched in stone – we have choices that have to be made. These choices have serious ramifications on where we end up in the end. Now I am talking about Heaven or Hell here – that is so Middle Ages. I believe in karma and reincarnation of the soul. I fully believe that everything happens for a reason and that we may never know what that reason is – sometimes we do things so that others can be effected and get their results.
Politically I lean towards the right but see some of the liberal/progressive movements as good ideas. I will go on about these as the blog develops – if the blog develops. I do not support Obama as President. Not because he is black, born in Kenya, or any of those other “talkin point issues”. I disagree with him politically. I believe in small un-intrusive central government. I believe that a person should be able to reap that which he sows – good or bad – without interference from some know-it-all politician. I understand that a free market is the only thing that can save our country financially and that excessive government regulation of private industry is a bad thing. At the same time I think greed is evil and that the universe will right itself. Balance is the natural state of the universe – when too much greed and corruption comes along the Universe will purge the bad apples so to speak.
That is not saying that the free market should be completely unregulated. Humans need rules – boundaries – in which to operate. There have to rules and consequences for breaking those rules. The Universe will self regulate but sometimes we need to help her along. The Universe is not discerning and offers no second chances – I believe everyone deserves one – repeat in bold capital letters ONE second chance. If we wait to regulate ourselves until the Universe purges the evil some innocent or at least savable lives will be lost.
Ok someday I will get into details about each of the subjects hinted at here but not this day. I will do it later. Like I said I hope this will help me stop procrastinating – just not going work on that right now. I also promise I will use more humor in future blog postings. I am actually a funny guy – but I won’t be posting my picture so some of you will know just how funny.
That is just as Mike tells it.