Saturday, February 26, 2011

Welcome back faithful readers. Ok. Ok. Ok already I know I am the one that left not you guys. I have been busy. No not really just too lazy to write. I have had a few ideas and even started typing a couple of times. Then I remember a slight promise not to let this blog get too political so I stopped typing. Well I started typing again this morning – for your sake and my safety I hope I keep typing until a decent (and adequately lengthy) blog emerges from this keyboard and transforms into a world shattering, life changing message. Ok I will be satisfied with an amusing tale that will keep your attention at least until the last word.
So I have recently celebrated (that term is used quite loosely and I am taking a bit of artistic license by using it) my 35th birthday. That is correct I have survived for 35 trips around the sun. That equals 420 months (in days gone way past I would read something into that number – but those days are so long gone I’m not even sure the significance of that number anymore). Looking at it another way that is 12,600 days (rounding each month to 30 days) that ways makes me feel quite old indeed (think about how old my mom must feel reading this). I have had a total of 302,400 hours of life – give or take a few. Now there is a number to reflect on.
What have I done with those 300k hours? I grew from a fat baby to a fat man! Ha, ha hardy har har ha! I crack me up! Seriously though what have I done with those hours. I have chipped in halfsies on three children – three beautiful, wonderful, intelligent, annoying children I must add (The Ole Lady reads these so I am obligated to say nice stuff about the miniature people who reside in my house). I have helped to build a marriage based on sex and greed – ok we actually have very little of either between the two of us. 13 long tedious years of slavery and abuse by the same woman – shit she just read that part. Actually it is hard to believe it has been so long, amazing to reflect and realize that in November of 2011 we will have been married 14 years.
I did spend a few years (other than honorably) serving my country in the US Navy. That was some fun and terrible times all wrapped up in a short span of life. I learned (and partied) enough to serve a lifetime. Good thing I continued to learn some things along the road from there to here.
Professionally I have spent almost two decades learning and teaching – creating and losing – a well demanded trade that puts food on the table that is under the roof it also provides (thanks Ron for starting me in this line of work). It allows me to provide for the needs of my children (and a few too many of their numerous wants as well).
So, while there are a few things I have not (yet) done in my life, I think that my first 35 years on this rock have been spent well. I live by a “no regret” policy and believe that I am where I am supposed to be but that I have full control over the choices that I make (and full ownership of the choices I have made). This philosophy will not allow me to think in terms of “should have done that differently” or “I wish I would have” because that undermines the things currently in my life that I would never trade.
In 35 years I have built a loving, caring family. I have built friendships that withstand what should have been impossible defeats. Those last two have not been done by myself and I cannot credit except in the decision to include the people in my life that have made these relationships possible.
I have loved and been loved and I have lost greatly – Bryan you are missed and I missed you being here to tell me how freaking old I am now. You better have a tight rack waiting for me – you know I hate it when you left the balls sloppy (and it will be call your ball and shot fucker none that slop shot shit).
Well this has turned out to be more sappy than I set out to let it be so I think I will end it before I get all mushy and shit

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